Instructions for Establishment Online Renewal

§ Pursuant to G.S. § 90-630.5, all Licensed Massage and Bodywork Establishments are required to renew their license every two years.

§ Please refer to the following Board literature for detailed information on license renewal:
    Rule .1012
    Practice Act N.C.G.S. 90-630.5

Beginning August 1, you will be able to access the online establishment renewal page via the link at the bottom of this page. You are encouraged to renew early. If there is a problem with your renewal, you will have time to correct it.

To complete your online renewal you will need

  1. Your North Carolina Massage and Bodywork Therapy Establishment license number;
  2. The last four digits of your social security or FEID number or your password created with the Board;
  3. A valid MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit or debit card with expiration date, security code and complete billing address.

The first time you log-in you will use the last four (4) digits of your social security or FEID number for your password. The next screen will prompt you to change your password. Make a note of your new password as it will be required to log-in to update your information throughout the year. You are encouraged to renew early. If there is a problem with your renewal, you will have time to correct it. As the December 31st renewal deadline draws nearer, you may experience server slowdowns which may delay or prevent renewals from being processed.

NOTE: If you wish to keep a copy of the information submitted during the renewal process, you must print each page of the online renewal after completing the required information but before clicking the “save and continue” button.

Renewal Page One (1) contains the establishment owner’s personal and business information. Please review and correct the information as necessary so that our records are current and complete. The mailing address is the location you would like written correspondence from the Board to be sent.

Renewal Page Two (2) allows you to enter in the LMBT information.  Please review the chart and input any current LMBT information into the table.  To add LMBT information, enter the License Number of the Therapist including leading 0’s and hit the enter button.  It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to keep this information up to date and input an appropriate “start” and “end date” to indicate periods of employment.  Do not enter an “end” date unless the LMBT is no longer working at your establishment

Renewal Page Two (3) contains the declaration of moral character questions.  These questions must be answered in order to continue.  There is also an affirmation regarding persons providing massage and bodywork therapy at your establishment and that you have read the North Carolina Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy Practice Act and Rules of the Board and conduct your establishment accordingly.  The most current copy of the Practice Act and Rules can be accessed on the Board website

When you click “save and continue” you will be advised that you have successfully completed the online establishment renewal application and will be directed to the secure payment site. The Board accepts MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit and debit cards. No card information is stored by the Board. After the transaction is complete, you will receive an email acknowledging your establishment renewal was processed. Your Establishment License Renewal Certificate will be mailed to you within 5-7 business days. Your debit or credit card statement will serve as your payment receipt.



Refund Policy:

All payments are final. No refunds will be made.

Privacy Policy:

The NC Board of Massage and Body Work Therapy is sensitive to the privacy interests of licensees and believes that the protection of licensee’s financial information is a significant responsibility.  The NC Board of Massage and Body Work Therapy has adopted the following Privacy Policy applicable to financial information about licensees that it acquires in the course of its business.

1. Acquisition of Information.  We do not acquire any more financial information about licensees than is required by law or is otherwise necessary to provide a high level of service efficiently and securely.

2. Our Employees and Privacy.  We train all of our employees about the importance of privacy. We give access to information about licensees only to those employees who require it to perform their jobs.

3. Security Measures.  We make access to financial information subject to rigorous procedural and technological controls, consistent with legal requirements and the demands of customer service.

4. Disclosure to Third Parties.  We will provide financial information about licensees to third parties only if we are compelled to do so by order of a duly-empowered governmental authority, we have the express permission of the licensee, or it is necessary to process transactions and provide our services.

5. Privacy and Our Business Partners.  We do not have business partners.

If you have questions about this privacy policy, please send an e-mail to



Your online establishment renewal application must be submitted to the Board by December 31st at 11:59 pm to be considered on time.  If your establishment renewal application is not submitted by December 31st, the establishment license is expired and shall not operate.  If the establishment license expires, the license may be reinstated within 120 days from the date of expiration upon payment of the license renewal fee and late renewal penalty.  If the establishment license expires, you will need to contact the Board office at to obtain the license renewal forms:  You will need to submit by mail:

  • Establishment License Renewal Application form
  • $175 fee
  • Letter stating whether or not your establishment continued operating after the license expired

Any establishment license expired for more than 120 days cannot be renewed and must submit an initial application for licensure pursuant to Rule .1003 in order to reinstate the establishment license.  The first step in re-applying is to go to the Application Process page under the Establishment tab on the Board’s website and submit the Online Application Request.